Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Fear not!

"Fear Paralyzes. It is a wet blanket that smothers the fiery passion God deposited in your heart when he formed you. Fear freezes us into inaction. Frozen ideas, frozen souls, frozen bodies can't move, can't dream, can't risk, can't love, and can't live." (Stasi Eldredge) Isn't that so sad, that fear, something so cruel has so much power over us?

Fear pretends it is protecting you when the reality is it only steals from you, chains you and makes you miss out on the very best of life. I have let it steal too much from me.

I have learned that if I wait to do something until I no longer FEEL fearful about it I will absolutely never do it! I must FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY! 

The greatest things I have experienced in life had the most fear attached to them, isn't that always the way?! Don't let fear rob you of your hopes, dreams and plans for your life. What ever it is you're thinking about doing, DO IT! No seriously, like right now, go do it!!!

Rainbow Frittata

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Chop up:
1 zucchini
1 red bell pepper
1 orange bell pepper
3 green onions

They call it Rainbow Frittata for a reason!!!

Add a drizzle of EVOO to a large skillet, add veggies and 1 cup of corn and saute on medium-high heat until veggies are tender.

Sprinkle with 1 tbsp of dried basil and mix well.

Add 4 large handfuls of baby spinach and stir until wilted.

In a large bowl whisk 8-10 eggs and pour over veggies.

Cook until eggs are almost set, then place skillet in oven and bake until eggs are fully cooked, 15-20 minutes (depending on the thickness.) 

*** If your skillet has a plastic handle tightly wrap it in tin foil so it doesn't melt

Optional: When frittata is cooked through, add grated cheddar cheese to the top and return to oven until cheese is melted.

Serve with Ezekiel toast, oh and a coffee of course!