Monday 8 February 2016

Easy Steel Cut Oats

I love steel cut oats, I know they're good for me but really, who's got time for them? Maybe it's just me, but they take forever to cook, and in the end what do you get? A pot of weird slime and crunchy things and a messy stove because the pot inevitably always boils over no matter how closely I watch it!


On your prep night; bring water to a boil in a pot, add the steel cut oats, stir, let boil for a few minutes, place the lid on, remove from heat and let them sit out over night. BAM! THEY TURN OUT PERFECTLY!

The next day you can portion them out, pop them in the fridge and each morning add in what you like, stir and heat! Yup, it's as easy as that!

This morning I added to mine, 1 tsp of melted coconut oil, 4 tsp of chia seeds, 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1/2 a mashed banana! It was so delicious! Well, what I got to eat of them was, because Trains kept asking for more bites! :)

>> I did 4 cups of water to 1 cup of oats. This made me about 6 servings, so I'm set for the week :) <<

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