Monday 14 March 2016

Just Do It!

Being consistent with eating clean and doing my workouts has definitely transformed my body over time BUT there is another transformation that has taken place in me that can't be captured in a photo and it's actually the one that excites me the most!

CHOOSING to eat clean consistently even when I don't feel like it and CHOOSING to press play on my workouts even when I don't feel like it has truly made me stronger! (And trust me there are LOT'S of days I don't feel like it!)

*** There is great strength in doing things we don't feel like doing ***

My health and fitness journey has had lots of ups and downs but CHOOSING to keep pushing forward even when I haven't felt like it has shown me that I am not the failure I thought I once was.
I AM capable of completing hard things. I AM capable of sticking with hard things. I AM SO capable of overcoming hard things.

This inward transformation has overflowed into every aspect of my life, as a mama, a friend, a business owner, a daughter and as a woman. It's shown me confidence, courage, perseverance and strength that I never knew I had.

I got a lot more than I bargained for when I ordered my 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack and I couldn't be more grateful!

Are you like me, and just SO ready to feel different, inside and out? Do you want to finally see what you're truly capable of? I have a few spots left in my Challenge Group and I'd love for you to experience what I have.

My groups aren't for the elite, or the special people who have it all together. They are for people just like me, who have tried and failed a million times, who wonder if they can and who have given up in the past. People who keep trying because they know there has to be a way to feel better, to look better, to be better and want to try just one more time!

Message me today and start your transformation:)

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