Friday 25 March 2016


If lifting weights is wrong, I don’t want to be right!!! :) I finished Hammer and Chisel earlier this week and I have to say, I absolutely LOVE this program and will definitely be repeating it again soon!

I am shocked at how I have literally transformed my body in like, 35 minutes a day from MY LIVING ROOM! No babysitter and no commute required! Can you believe that?! Seriously, if the only way to get in shape and work out was going to the gym, this little mama would be plum out of luck!

Ok, so we all know that with every journey to success comes struggles, so here it is --> I didn’t totally fall off the rails or anything like that, but in the last half of the program I may have had a few too many treats here and there and a few extra rest days than were scheduled :)

Now normally, this would totally destroy me and would make me feel like I totally failed BUT guess what... My fitness is not a destination, it's a way of life and even with some treats and a missed workout here and there I am blown away and SO insanely proud of the progress I have made in regards to my consistency and my ability to complete the things I start.

We CAN do hard things. We CAN change our habits. We CAN change our lives <3 Do you believe that? Do you want to?

I have another accountability group starting up soon that I would love for you to be a part of! {{MESSAGE}} me about it, I would love to share with you how it's possible, even as a busy mama, to make new habits, transform your body and feel better than you even thought possible, (yes, all from YOUR living room :) )

Talk soon XO

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