Sunday 12 June 2016

Fabulous Femmes

WHY do we do it? WHY do we compete with, put down, criticize, compare ourselves to and wish failure upon our fellow fabulous femmes??? And more importantly, how do we stop?

Imagine how different things could be between us if we all believed that we were amazing, that we were beautiful and that we all had something unique to offer. Instead of being in competition we'd be dying to get to know all these other amazing people!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were only in competition with ourselves, striving to be all that we dreamed to be? And wouldn't it be incredible to go on that personal journey with a friend running along side you, not letting you quit and telling you she thinks the world of you! That's the kind of women I want surrounding me and the kind of woman I want to be others!

It takes a STRONG woman to admire someone else's beauty and not question her own. Take some time today to text, call or email a woman you admire. Let her know you believe in her and think she deserves the world.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

21 Day Fix Approved Banana Apple Muffins

Banana Apple Muffins (From the FIXATE Cook Book)
1 muffin = 1 PURPLE and 1 BLUE

These are a staple in our house, they are SO good! And let's be honest, any delicious item that doesn't cost me a YELLOW container is certainly a friend of mine! Hence why I make them pretty much every other week :)

2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup mashed ripe banana (about 2 medium bananas)
1 Tbsp. organic grass-fed butter, melted (I use coconut oil instead)
1 1/2 cups almond flour
3/4 tsp. baking soda, gluten free
1 dash sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
1/2 cup chopped apple (about 3/4 medium apple)

1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
2. Prepare nine muffin cups by lining with muffin tin layers or coating with muffin spray.
3. Combine eggs, banana, and butter in a medium bowl; mix well; set aside.
4. Combine almond flour, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl; mix well.
5. Add almond meal mixture to egg mixture; mix until blended.
6. Add apple; mix until just blended.
7. Divide batter evenly between prepared muffin cups.
8. Bake 16 to 18 minutes, or until golden brown and toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
9. Transfer muffins to rack; cool.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Oh happy day!

Yesterday was a super exciting day for me!

After 10 months of working my business with no working camera on my cell phone (I know my Coach friends are picking themselves up off the floor right now!!!) This mama is finally back in business!

Let the selfie taking commence!

Opportunity Alert!

On December 23rd, two days before Christmas, after desperately trying to figure out another way, I sat in a quiet office where everything was the same dull beige colour.

“You think you can make this... what is it?...this 'Beachbody' thing work?” He asked.
My reply, “I KNOW I can!”
He slid me a paper and pen, I took a breath and signed my name to Personal Bankruptcy papers.

As I walked out of the office I surprisingly felt different than I thought I would. I felt relieved, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I knew I had just made the best decision I could have ever made for Train and I. I had just given us a chance to start over, free from that financial weight that I was carrying and made a way for us to MOVE FORWARD in life, instead of struggling every month to just stay in the same place.

Since June of that year, my only income was the monthly Government checks for Train that I received AND very generous parents to live with! I was covering the few bills I had with the money from Train and the extra few hundred dollars I was making from my new Beachbody business barely made a dent in anything, but I spent every penny of it on food and diapers for Train, praying and trusting that one day I would NOT have to ask my parents to help me buy basic necessities for my own child.

The first financial goal I set for myself was to double my very small income and you know what??? For the last 2 months in a row I have (and then some!)

My Beachbody business has not been easy, it’s certainly not a get rich quick thing (those don’t exist!) I’m working hard every day doing something that has challenged me beyond anything else, and I am absolutely loving every minute!

This company is FULL of Coaches with stories just like mine, it’s their stories that inspired me to start Coaching! The magic truly happened for me though when I stopped looking at them and thinking they were “lucky” or unique in some way and realized, “Wait a minute, I have the exact same opportunity in front of me as they did! So, if I work hard and don’t give up, and I just do what they did, why couldn’t I change my life too?”

Here is what I KNOW; You CAN change your life. You CAN create financial freedom. You CAN have a job that doesn’t feel like work.

Wherever you are at in life right now, know this, you CAN come back from ANYTHING!!

If what I did to rebuild my life can help you with yours, if my story gives you even a glimmer of hope that maybe things could change for you too, I am SO SO happy to share with you anything about my life that I can! I creeped my Coach (and now friend) for years before I started Coaching. I wanted to reach out, but I was scared and it took something really awful to force me out of my comfort zone and cause me to take a chance. Don’t be like me! Don’t stay where you are feeling hopeless and scared of the future, when the truth is you can absolutely change things! Perhaps THIS is YOUR opportunity just like it was mine!

Paleo Banana Bread

I found this amazing Paleo Banana Bread on Pinterest that was perfect for Train during our Whole30 (and for both of us afterwards!)

Paleo Banana Bread

4 medium to large brown bananas
7 eggs at room temperature
¼ cup melted coconut oil, ghee, or grass fed butter
2 teaspoons vanilla (I didn't add this so that I could keep the ingredients Whole30 compliant for Train.)
3/4 cup coconut flour
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda

> Preheat oven to 350° and grease a 9x5 loaf pan.
> In a large bowl, mash bananas until smooth. A few small chunks are okay.
> Add the eggs, then the butter and vanilla, mixing well.
> Stir in the coconut flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda.
> Let sit 3-4 minutes to allow the coconut flour to thicken up.
> Pour into prepared loaf pan and bake 45-55 minutes or until the center is no longer "jiggly".

Saturday 26 March 2016

Action or inaction?...that is THE question!

So, this morning is day 3 for me of getting up early and doing my workout first thing. Is it easy??? NO!!! Is it worth it??? YES! :)

As I was doing my workout this morning, I was thinking about how I used to always try to find a different, EASIER way to achieve my health and fitness goals.

You know the thoughts; "Please!!! I'll do ANYTHING but eat right and workout! OR "I'll do ANYTHING as long as I don't have to give up something I love or work really hard!" Seriously, that was me!

BUT here's the fact about changing your health or body or really anything you want to change about yourself; there is NO quick fix! Ok so that's obviously the bad news! BUT here's the good news!!! There is also no secret to how you can! --> Eat right and get your body moving (Thank you 21 Day Fix for showing me the way in both regards!!! <3 )

So, how come I knew that secret the whole time but nothing in my life ever changed and I never achieved any of my health and fitness goals?

It's simply because some people choose to do the work and some people don't. I was the second person for almost my whole life! ACTION is the ONLY thing that sets successful people apart form unsuccessful people, (not just in fitness but in everything in life.) It really IS that simple (and that hard, all at the same time! :) )

I have found for me that my fitness journey is more mental than physical. Yes it's hard, I've cried, I get frustrated and I've wanted to quit, and so will you! How bad do you want to achieve your goals though? How bad do you want to change? How bad do you want to feel different? Are you in it for the long haul? If you are, than know this, I AM TOO! :) Which means you'll never be alone as you move forward!

My next Accountability Group starts on April 18th :) Message me today to reserve your spot and we can reach our goals together <3


Friday 25 March 2016

You don't have to LOVE something to actually do it!

I HATE waking up early! Like really despise it!

A while back I had got myself rolling on a great routine of getting up BEFORE Train and completing my workout. And let me tell you it felt great to have that crossed off my list for the day!

Slowly over time, my old habits crept back in. And it wasn't long before I wasn't even setting my alarm anymore but instead just waiting until Train was calling for me.

I had forgotten how fantastic it felt to have that little bit of quite time to myself in the morning and how much better my day with Train was when I was alert and prepared for him when he woke up raring to go!

I had let my mind totally shift back to the old thoughts that said, a little bit of extra sleep was more important than all the fantastic benefits I had been experiencing.

It's hard waking up early to workout and prepare for the day but it's also hard staggering into Train's room and trying to start the day with a wild toddler and not really even feeling awake until mid-morning.

I started asking myself, "If both are hard, why not CHOOSE the hard I prefer?!" Let's be honest here, I'm tired at 6:30am but you know what, I'm also tired at 8, 9 or 10am smile emoticon

So last night I gave myself a much needed kick in the booty and decided that if I'm going to be tired I'd rather be tired and accomplish something worthwhile, then be tired and just disappointed with myself for not starting my day off better!

SO, this morning I got up early, did my workout, checked in with my challengers and even brushed my teeth, put makeup on and did my hair all before Train was up and you know what? I FEEL ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!

And tomorrow I'm going to push myself to do it again! NOT because I suddenly fell in love with getting up early but because I LOVE the RESULTS of what I accomplish by getting up early!

The lesson's I was reminded of today;
#1 Change your thinking FIRST!
#2 CHOOSE your hard!
#3 You don't have to LOVE doing something to actually do it!