Wednesday 12 August 2015

Piyo: Day 10 ROCKED!

What can I say, this program is just full of surprises!

Today was Piyo Core. I haven't done this one yet and as someone who LOVES doing abs and loves the 21 Day Fix Flat Abs routine, I must say, "Chalene, you rocked my world girlfriend!!" I loved this entire video! Standing abs, plank abs, side bend abs, I  loved everything! It was so different than anything I've ever done before and I can't wait until its core day again and I can go into it a little bit more prepared now that I've done it once. I especially loved the series at the end. She shows you one thing and then another, you do each move individually and then put them together in a flowing sequence and it seriously makes me feel like Wonder Women! Seriously, it's this cool powerful feeling just to flow through all these empowering poses, bend, lift, POW, trust me you'll feel like a total vixen!

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