Saturday 8 August 2015

What do Piyo and Avatar have in common?

Piyo reminds me of the first time I saw Avatar. When that movie came out I did not want to see it! I had no interest and turned down opportunities to go see this “amazing” movie everyone was talking about. (When you read that sentence roll your eyes when you read the word "amazing" and you will get a sense of how I really felt about it!) I mean, I was just so sure that I wouldn't like it, they're blue with tails for goodness sakes! 

So, I went to my parents house one night for a movie night and guess what they chose, that's right, Avatar. I begrudgingly started watched it with them. About 45 minutes in we stopped it to get snacks and my dad turned around to see me perched on the couch, hands under my chin with tears in my eyes totally entranced. There was no holding back for me, “Oh my goodness, I love this movie, It's like one of the best movies ever!” I seriously loved it...lesson learned. Piyo, you are my Avatar. I give you my deepest apologies because it turns out, I actually really like you, I am so sorry I doubted you. 

I am back to Define: Lower Body again today and it was good. Even though it's only the second time through I feel more familiar with the moves and am able to stretch a more.

If  you feel that Piyo would be a good fit for you, send me a message to find out more and join this recent skeptic in her next accountability group!

FYI: I don't typically work out with make up on and my hair down but with a 20 minute workout you can literally squeeze it in before any outing which is what I did today! Done and done and on with life :)

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