Saturday 8 August 2015

Sweat like a pig to look like a fox :)

Sweat was the name of today's workout and SWEAT IS RIGHT! 

Uh, yeah I was literally drenched and am feeling a little silly for my skepticism of this workout program! My legs felt like jello near the end and my arms were killing me with the mass influx of push ups at the end. And you know what... I LIKED IT A LOT!!!! :)

As I have said I am so nervous that I will lose the definition I have developed with the Fix. Tomorrow Piyo has a scheduled rest day but I was planning on doing Lower Fix and 10 minute abs, but perhaps after today I'll have to see how I feel! 

I am still following the 21 Day Fix meal plan, it just fits with my life and I'm so used to it now I don't even really track anything. I feel great on it and I'm never hungry. I'm actually having 21 Day Fix Extreme Chili right now! (1 RED, 1/2 YELLOW, 1/2 GREEN)

Piyo is great if you haven't worked out in a awhile and are getting back into it, or maybe to do in between more intense programs or if you have injuries, it's very adaptable. I seriously feel more flexible already if that's possible? Although, I moved to a new house once that had a water softener which we didn't have in our old house. Within a few days I was ranting and raving about how soft my hair felt until I was told there was no salt in it...yeah... I do get a little over zealous with new things and their results but I swear I am closer to the ground in my forward bends so there's the proof! 

In conclusion, this program is definitely more challenging then I first expected and tonight I am going to take a close up photo of my booty to track it's progress for future reference, AFTER I rehydrate of course! Can you see the front of my shirt? I am not normally a sweat-er but man this work out got me :)

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