Saturday 8 August 2015

Piyo, you've got big shoes to fill!

So what did I think of my first day of Piyo you ask? 

Well, today's scheduled video was Piyo Fundamentals. Now, honestly I have to say that after doing the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Extreme and in general just LOVING anything with weights, my first thought was "....UH-OH maybe this was a bad idea!" 

Now, I do understand it's just a preparation video to get you set up for success, I mean you have to start somewhere, right? But I'm just being honest that it did make me a little nervous about publicly declaring my commitment to this program for the next month. It did not keep my attention and I still did Flat Abs Fix when I was done so I would feel like I had worked out. I have had such amazing results with a number of rounds of the 21 Day Fix and the Extreme version and I am fiercely loyal the Fix, I mean, it literally transformed my booty and what more could a girl ask for?! I am nervous about venturing away from what I know works and afraid that without weights I will lose the great muscle tone I have accumulated and worked so hard for. BUT I will not give up and I will see what tomorrow brings. FOR GOODNESS SAKE AMBER, HAVE AN OPEN MIND!!! I'll keep you posted! On a side note, if you're wondering, I am still following my 21 Day Fix meal plan, it's just what I'm used to and it is such an amazing fit into my lifestyle it's just kind of second nature now but Piyo does come with it's own little eating guide that looks really good and easy to follow.

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